Privacy Policy

At Navispotter AG, we understand the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of your fleet's positions. We take the privacy and security of your ships information seriously and want to assure you that we will not share a data with any third parties.

As a trusted shipping tracking service provider, we adhere to strict data privacy and security protocols to ensure that your fleet position remains confidential. We use industry-standard encryption measures to protect your data from unauthorized access and continuously monitor our systems to detect and prevent any potential security breaches.

You can have peace of mind knowing that your fleet position information is only accessible to authorized by you personnel. We do not sell, trade, or share your fleet position information with any third parties for marketing or any other purposes.

We do reserve the right to update or change our privacy policy in the future. We are committed to continuously improving our services and adapting to changing technologies and regulations to ensure the highest level of data privacy and security.

If any changes are made to our privacy policy, we will notify you in advance through the contact information provided by you during the registration process or through other communication channels that we have on file. You will have the opportunity to review the updated privacy policy and understand how any changes may affect the confidentiality of your fleet's position information.

We want to assure you that any changes to our privacy policy will be made in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and we will continue to prioritize the protection of your vessels' position information.

Our commitment to confidentiality is a fundamental part of our service, and we prioritize the protection of your fleet position information. If you have any questions or concerns about the privacy and security of your vessels' positions, please do not hesitate to contact us.